Isn't it interesting, that amidst all the hoopla about "sustainable"
design, there has been little reduction in the stream of new, improved,
state-of-the-art, can't-live-without-them products that increase energy
demand? Most of these supposedly life-changing inventions offer needless
conveniences, and most of them require electricity to operate. They
appear to have been created for no better reason that someone could do
Some of you may recall the introduction of digital watches
and clocks in the '70s. As happens with all things electronic, the first
ones were extremely expensive, but within a few years the price dropped
- and dropped and dropped; there was no bottom. Suddenly, everything
you bought had a digital clock in it. After hundreds of years of
surviving with a single watch, or no watch at all, we suddenly couldn't
survive without clocks everywhere! Rulers had clocks, pencils and pens
had clocks, key fobs had clocks, and countless things with no apparent
purpose other than to sit on a desk had clocks. I saw a tape measure
with a clock in it.
I'm pretty sure no consumer research drove this frenzy; clocks were added to everything simply because it could be done. Despite the concern about energy consumption, the "because we can" attitude continues today...