The focus of this blog is construction-related topics. The purpose is discussion, so please feel free to comment! See Specific thoughts for thoughts from the daily life of a specifier.

03 March 2010

A Request to Industry Professionals

Among CSI's 13,000 members are the top experts on construction products - the people who make and install them. Despite this wealth of knowledge, one of the most common complaints of newsletter editors and website managers is, "I don't have any articles!" To solve this problem, all we need do is turn to our industry professionals. Who better than the manufacturer of a product knows its characteristics or how it performs? And who knows more than a qualified installer about conditions required for a successful installation?

When manufacturers and installers see specifications or drawings that are unclear, incomplete, or simply wrong, they are presented with a great opportunity to help design professionals do better. Does the indicated assembly require another component? Is that manufacturer out of business? Are the specified accessories incompatible? Is the detail impossible to construct? Have the referenced standards been updated?

Many of these problems and conflicts can be discussed in short articles, then submitted for publication in chapter newsletters or websites where they can be seen by design professionals. To ignore a recurring problem - or just complain about it - doesn't do anyone any good. So the next time you see a problem, especially if you've seen it more than once, take a few minutes to explain what is wrong and how it should be done, and send it to your chapter editor. Specifiers will love you!


  1. Great suggestion Sheldon. I read sepcifications for geofoam, a long time but little used material and more than half the specs I see are incomplete or worse yet conflicting in the physical property requirements. I have been combating this one architect at a time. The newletter makes much more sense and will save some phone calls in the long run. Thanks, one more way CSI can add value to a manufacturers rep.

  2. Geofoam is an interesting, but probably misunderstood material. I suspect many architects prefer extruded polystyrene due to its lower water absorption. This could be a good subject for an article in the Construction Specifier. If you're interested in submitting an article, let me know.
